Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Malls, malls, and malls..

Recently, more and more malls are built in Solo. Some are happy with this, but others, like me, are sad.. Why sad ? More malls mean building consumerism in the community.

So far, for Solo, I think the available malls and shopping centers are more than enough to fulfill the people needs. Luwes chainstores, Singosaren Plasa, Solo Grand Mall, and many small stores are there. With moderate and affordable prices..

Before, kids and teenagers are OK when their parents buy the things for them at the market. But now, buy clothes at local ( traditional ) market is ‘old-fashioned’. Should be buy from at least Matahari Dept. Store, better buy from branded-stores. Fiuh... how much your parents make in one month, dear ??

There are still many things to fulfill, the main needs. I just hope parents can teach and hold their children to be not so consumetive.

Now, there will be Solo Center Point and Solo Paragon. These are big complex with hotels, malls, offices, playground, apartments in one area. People says it’s good, because it means Solo is growing into bigger city. Start preparing to accomodate the future needs.

But I said, it’s not that good. Especially for the new malls. We still have many small traditional markets, small chainstores ( Luwes, my favourite ), and many others. There will be less and less people go to those already-there-stores. People will go to the shopping malls.

This was proven when we have Singosaren Plasa last time. Worsen by the opening of Solo Grand Mall and Solo Square. And now....

I feel sorry to those ‘mbok2 bakul’ ( seller ladies ) at the traditional markets. They will get less income to support their families. With increasing prices of food, we will get more poverty everywhere. How sad...

Other things to consider. I’m afraid Solo will grow like Jakarta. Make more and more buildings will reduce open spaces with trees. It’s already getting hotter and hotter, and with less trees you can imagine how it will feel.

I don’t want this to happen to my lovely city. True that the Major Joko Wi builds more parks.. but they will not be enough to compete with the concrete buildings.

Solonese.. let’s work together to have our city stay lovely..

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